Monday 23 September 2013

Sales Lead Generation- The Conventional Versus the Remunerative Method

Every granger knows that to reap we should plant. And as planting doesn’t assures abundant harvest, if you don’t plant it will surely assure all-out famine and hardcore starvation, unless our Government arranges food for us from somewhere else.

Sales Leads generation is very similar. It doesn’t assure plenty of customers directly, but if you don’t practice it, you may face a downfall in your business with no hope of reviving from that. Unfortunately, many IT organizations select this method as they have a misconception that they can save their business by not spending money on promotional strategies of their business. They believe that spending money on marketing is simply waste of money.

If you spend an amount on advertisement and get five times better returns, you should definitely go for it. But most of the regular IT organizations ignore this fact, as they consider storing money in their savings account a better alternative. Or they would love to invest their money on something which will offer them ten percent interest. Most people hesitate to invest in their own company.

The main reason behind such hesitation is that they have already implemented such strategy and have never got fruitful results. They request their relatives to write those ads on their behalf. They don’t get fruitful results as they skip the important steps of proper advertisement. On the other hand, still there are many people who wisely implement new business lead generation strategies and fulfill their sales target. Here lies the importance of contemporary lead generation methods. It is undoubtedly true that your sales procedure can be your best lead generation tool.

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